
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Royalè Spirulina (more info)

Retail Price - PHP 1,155.00

Being the World's Richest Whole Food, SPIRULINA contains the following essential nutritional content:

SPIRULINA (Arthrospira Platensis) 

Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae whose cells form the shape of a perfect spiral coil (thus, the name Spirulina, or little spiral). It contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain, or herb.


1. Children with inadequate vegetable intake.
2. Teenagers who require extra nutrition during their rapid growing years.
3. Pregnant women who need balanced nutrition.
4. Elderly people who have limited dietary options yet require a wide spectrum of nutrients to maintain optimum health. It is also very easy to digest.
5. Athletes - because it provides energy and improves stamina.
6. People with ailments or those recuperating from diseases who need proper nourishment for fast recovery (please consult with your doctor).
7. Busy people who don't have the time to eat a balanced meals and rely heavily on "fast" and processed foods instead.
8. Vegetarians who must acquire protein from vegetables.

1000 mg per caplet
90 caplets per bottle

DISCLAIMER: This literature/ marketing tool is not an official publication of ROYALE or any of its affiliate company. This literature/ marketing tool is personally designed by (Emafe Rice). For ROYALE’s official publication, please visit the website


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